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Staffordshire University - Masters

Friday, 25 February 2011

yeah that went well.

yeah, i can't stand it any more, he just always comes to me and says things like, r u busy, i can't believe it, its as though he is playing some kind of game that K's dad used to play. like 'i'm not forcing you, i'm just taking advantage of your good nature but thats your problem - you being so good natured' its just horrible. well he can sleep on the floor tonite in his empty flat. serves the little b...d right.  not once has he ever came to see me and enquired if i am ok, not once has he ever been to see me without wanting or needing something. little s....t and then when he said oh he would be back for shrovetide. yeah right i just flipped and said, well er don't think you are stopping with me cause i'm busy.  i just don't want the problem of him, its his own problem and he can sort it out.  he doesn't treat me well enough to earn any kind of good natured expression from me.  he's a little b.....d and good riddence. i really don't like him so there.  i feel so much better now and i don't have to over eat anymore cause its him i don't like, he is so wrong in the way he treats me and now i feel so much better.  yeah i feel sad cause of how he treats me but well i can live with that just so long as i don't have to have anything to do with the little b.....d  you could say the relationship has broken down irretrievably and thats about the top and bottom of it and i sure as hell don't want or need anything from him.  i've done my bit as a mother, i loved and cherished him and cared for him when no one else gave a damm about him and all he has done is throw it all back at me, well my conscience is clear and my job is done now, he's on his own, i don't owe him anything.  he can go f...k himself for all i care.  its not my problem he can't see me as i am or er that might be the problem he can actually see me as i am but in his tiny little selfish mind, has yet to see all of me, which i might add he is about to see big time. do you get my drift.  tough love is what is called for here and he is about to get a f.....g barrowload of it.  you know the sad little b thinks its all about money, big mistake yeah big mistake.
he actually thinks i'm upset because he won't give me any money.  thats what he actually thinks.  of course i'm upset cause he doesn't reciprocate all the good things that have been lavished on him.  he actually thinks that because he works that allows him to mistreat me - his favourite response to anything is, i work for my money - thereby implying because i don't work thats why i don't get anything, i must remind him next time he comes asking me for something, that i don't work and therefore i can't give him anything.  soft soaping is what he needs.  and we all know thats a one way street, i'll be laughing me head off behind all that lather and he'll be covered in soap suds.  hehehe

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