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Staffordshire University - Masters

Monday, 21 February 2011


today has been a bit hectic.  started off with M going to doctors.  then a cup of tea with kc and his daughter and a chat, his dad has just died, so talking about funeral arrangements.  then a bit of shopping in sainsbury then pick up M and down to mums for a coffee and bacon butty - oh my sister blocked her toilet - nice ay so had to call and deal with plumber - job done and paid.  back home for 1pm then T starts, can i help him move his bed to someones house - yeah no problem.  he's leaving his flat and job next week and clearing off up to sheffield.  needless to say two trips later he decides to start clearing his flat, not a big problem there but you guessed who had to do the washing up - me - oh and empty the fridge.  the state some people live in.  anyway he loads up all of his clothes and what not and its off to the shop for sandwich, cake, coke and fags for him that is, i don't even get a cup of tea.  there you have it, loooooads of washing for me then.   wow highlite of my week.   so he has nearly cleared his flat except its 'mum can you have the keys and get the other furniture moved, i.e. table and sofa yeah no problem i say, there is still the crockery etc., and some bits and bobs to go. and the floor to be cleaned.  erm not my job no way, he's on his own for that one, when he gets back and before he hands his keys in.
so he's off up to sheffield, well i can't say as i blame him, there is more life up there and in anycase, me thinks he will go abroad at end of march so i'm expecting a card from abroad sometime.  anyway he is certainly not gonna settle down and do anything sensible, but who can blame him, i know i can't i was just the same at his age.  good luck to him, just hope he is ok, its a difficult one really but in the end, it is his life, i gave it to him for him to live it, i've had my pleasure and/or pain in bringing him up.
so thats it for today, apart from i ended up with M at mcdonalds and even had a small sundae so no help from that quarter.
never mind maybe tomorrow will be better tarara xxxx

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